Our Art teacher Alejandra was away for a few days this week taking a ceramics workshop to learn some new techniques and skills to share with the children. It was a great opportunity to expand our activities for the kids and enjoy some fun with Allegra who covered for her while out.
Lilly is teaching a few new dances and teaching them how to “DOUBLE DUTCH” jump rope.
We have one more week of pickleball and will start back swimming in May as the weather is heating up.
We had Gabriel Jones, a supporter of the Kids Club stop by this week. He brought the kids popsicles and a generous donation for KidsClub. Thanks to him and Mexhome Realtors for the support!
In preparation for the free dental clinic Izzy Simon, Carmen Tapia, Amy Welch, Joan Gil and Allegra Rubboli worked to register and pre-screen kids at the primary school. Dr. Hugo from Bucerias, donated his time Wednesday and Thursday of this week to screen nearly 200 children. This is an annual service provided by Ensign Academy of Dentistry with dentists from the United States who volunteer their time and resources to help out. This is Ensign’s 20th year of service in the Puerto Vallarta area. The free children’s clinic will be held May 6, 7, 8 and 9, at the Kids Club.
The PM Primaria principal (open 1-5 PM) is requesting any broken ceramics that can be used to tile the picnic tables at the primaria. The kids are really excited about this project – let’s help them make this happen.
Donations: Anonymous, Helen Nolen, Gabriel Jones & MEXHOME Realtors, Chris & Cindy Bouchard.
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