Jorge Ramirez, a partner of P20 Arquitectos has submitted preliminary plans for remodeling the Kids Club

Primarily, we’ve asked for upgrading of the classrooms and add a sports field and second story to include a dance studio, classroom, office and storage room.

Jorge Alberto Ramirez Robles has a master’s degree in urban planning and development, from the University of Leuven, Belgium. Postgraduate in cultural policies and management from the OEI/UAM/CNA and a diploma in project management and evaluation from the ALARIFE College. Architect degree from ITESO. He was a promoter of social management and participatory urban intervention at ITESO.

Founding partner of P20 Arquitectos and General Director of the SITUS firm. He has participated in the public sector as Director of cultural management, in the cultural department of the H. Ayuntamiento de Guadalajara and as Director of technical secretariats in SEDESUR, Jalisco.